The Medal Provocateur Finalists

Montaigne Medal Winner
Eric Hoffer Book Award Gold Seal © The Eric Hoffer Project

As the annual judging draws to a close, the Medal Provocateur finalists are announced prior to the Eric Hoffer Award grand prize. This small list of finalists is an honored distinction of its own and is announced publicly during the spring of each award year. Below are the current and previous finalists in alphabetical order by book.



* - 30 -, Dan Silverberg, Conflux Press
* Bullet Points, Jennifer A Sutherland, River River Books
* Country on the Edge of Nowhere, Danilo Lopez-Roman, Atmosphere Press
* Eggtooth, Jesse Nathan, Unbound Edition Press
* Panacea, Alison Strub, Milk & Cake Press
* Perennial Fashion, Fred Moten, Wave Books
* Red Silk, Maryfrances Wagner, BkMk Press
* Strange Bodies, Deni Naffziger, Shadelandhouse Modern Press
* The Devil's Workshop, Xavier Cavazos, Cleveland State University Poetry Center
* The Emptying Earth, Daniel Lassell, Madhouse Press
* The Sun Held the Dice, John Goode, Rain Mountain Press
* To The Boy Who Was Night, Rigoberto González, Four Way Books

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* Ewaso Village, Chip Duncan, SelectBooks
* Inside Outrage, Gary Glauber, Sheila-Na-Gig Editions
* Living Room, Laura Bylenok, The Backwaters Press/University of Nebraska Press
* Of the Florids, Shawn Hoo, Diode Editions
* Peace in Pieces, Peggy Belles, Peggy Belles
* Territorial, Mira Rosenthal, University of Pittsburg Press
* The Forsaken Little Black Book, Julie T. Standig, Kelsay Books
* Unceded Land, Issam Zineh, Trio House Press
* Urbanshee, Siaara Freeman, Button Poetry

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* A Fine Yellow Dust, Laura Apol, Michigan State University Press
* A Sentimental Hairpin, Flower Conroy, Tolsun Books
* Cutlish, Rajiv Mojabir, Four Way Books
* Gun/Shy, Jim Daniels, Wayne State University Press
* Junk Drawer, Michael P. Hill, Kelsay Books
* Kireji, Christian Favreau, JackPine Press
* Lock Her Up, Tina Parker, Accents Publishing
* Mother/Land, Amanda Lima, Black Lawrence Press
* Spirit in Form, Gail Russell
* Tender the River, Matt W. Miller, Texas Review Press
* Waiting for the Muse, Frances Laird, AuthorHouse

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* An Incomplete List of Names, Michael Torres, Beacon Press
* Devil's Lake, Sarah M. Sala, Tolsun Books
* Earnest, Earnest?, Eleanor Boudreau, University of Pittsburgh Press
* Gut Botany, Petra Kuppers, Wayne State University Press
* Harmonie, Joseph Leo Hickey, Melodium House
* Homespun Mercies, DJ Hill, Light of the Moon
* Hood Criatura, fél hernandez, Sundress Publications
* Inheritance, Taylor Johnson, Alice James Books
* Outlier, Kay Sellers, Xlibris
* Typescenes, Rodney A. Brown, Unlikely Books

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